What is Emotional Wellness?
I think that Emotional Wellness comes when we take the time to be aware of what is REALLY going on within us and in our lives.
Emotional Wellness comes from taking the time to examine the way we react to certain people, places, situations so that we will be able to see why we are reacting or acting the way we are.
Emotional Wellness comes from being honest with ourselves about how we are truly feeling.
Emotional Wellness comes when we are able to take the time to be curious about the things that are upsetting us, concerning us, worrying us, limiting us, or holding us back.
Emotional Wellness is when we can look at our feelings and what’s going on for us in a respectful, compassionate way; honoring all of our feelings.
Emotional Wellness happens when we are better able to see where these emotions and beliefs about life may have come from.
Emotional Wellness is when we can recognize what is in our control and what is not and have the ability to let go of the things that we cannot control.
Emotional Wellness is not always easy. We as human beings, like to move away from anything that is painful to think about or address. It is natural human behavior to sweep things under the rug, or stuff them down and hope that they will just go away or somehow change miraculously.
Emotional Wellness can be difficult because we sometimes cannot see the forest for the trees. There have been too many feelings, issues, traumas big and small and we have trouble being calm and clear minded.
I believe;
-if we never become curious;
-if we never change what seems to repeat, and upset us in our lives;
-those patterns will just continue in our lives, leaving us to live our lives with
more frustration, anger, resentment, sadness and dissatisfaction with life in general.
For example; When you find yourself feeling upset, stressed, fearful, etc., take some time to examine what is going on for you. Try to avoid ignoring your feelings or coming from a place of blame, but rather a place of curiosity.
Ask Yourself;
where has this happened before?
Does this remind me of anything?
How old was I?
Am I reacting because I feel powerless or unsafe?
Have I had these same feelings within my body before?
Who was I with?
Am I really upset with someone or am I really upset with myself, for my own life situation at this present time?
Am I accepting the people, places and situations for what or who they are without judgment?
Am I frustrated because I would like to change something about the people, places, or situations that I have no control over?
Ask Yourself;
-If I don’t like someone, somelace, or something that is happening, is it even within my control to change it?
-If it isn’t, then perhaps it's time to let it go.
-If I can make some changes, can I do them in a graceful, loving way?
Remember the only things that we have true control over are our thoughts, our feelings, our reactions and our actions.
I encourage you to take the time to be curious about what might be affecting your Emotional Wellness.