optimize your health.
Emotional overflow
Our Emotional health is very often overlooked, disregarded, or taken for granted.
I believe that the practice of stuffing our emotions down, pushing ourselves to just get over it or pulling up our big girl panties and carrying on, just doesn’t work.
The Swimming Pool Analogy
Imagine that each of us is a swimming pool and for every trauma or upsetting event, that occurs for us, a ball is thrown in our pool.
Some peoples pools fill up quickly, and for others they may have only a ball or two in their pools.
If by recalling an event or experience, it still brings up emotion or a physical response of some kind, you are not over it, you are still holding that stress within you.
Our pools may eventually reach a point of overflow and balls may pop out even though we are trying to push them back down.
This overload of emotional stress may appear as:
- feeling overwhelmed and stuck
- easily angered and quick to cry
- sleepless nights and anxious days
- emotional eating
- numbing behaviours (excessive working, gambling, exercise, sex, drinking, shopping, etc.)
- confusion and hopelessness
- helplessness and frustration
- and even physical ailments
Tapping and Coaching for Emotional Wellness
The combination of Tapping and Coaching is one of the most effective processes I have come across for releasing emotional attachments to trauma, emotional and/or physical pain and so much more.
When we talk about upsetting things or merely think of them, it can activate a stress response in our minds and bodies.
By gently Tapping on the energy meridians, we are able to calm the stress response, letting our bodies and minds know that it is safe and okay to let go of the emotions and or the pain.
In a session, we address the issue briefly, then we talk and tap through it, to release the emotion attached to the issue, and calm the stress response.
After the session, clients are able to bring to mind the issue(s) without experiencing a flood of emotion or physiological stress responses in their bodies and minds that might normally come with recalling it and can begin to see the issue(s) from a new perspective.
One client said that it took the emotions attached to her issue from technicolor to black and white in one session.
Imagine the Life You Desire
The feelings you could choose to have.
What would the benefit to you and your family be, if it was possible to change your perspectives, emotions, beliefs and your ability to see other options?
What if the past no longer weighed on you, and affected the decisions that you make in your life today?
Can you just imagine what your life would look like without all those old wounds, fears, physical pain, limiting beliefs, self-sabotaging behaviours, and blocks to success; all that baggage from yesterday - gone!
What if you could finally get to the root of the issues you were having and let them go?
And if not now; WHEN?
You are worthy and deserving of all the peace, joy and love that you desire.
With Tapping and Coaching we can release the emotional attachments to the stressors, and bring you back to a place of calm, clarity and confidence.
Allowing for more peace and joy in your life.
What you can expect with a session
Steps for booking your session
Select your date and time
Fill in and submit intake and waiver forms as needed. These are sent securely and privately just to me.
I will send you a zoom meeting invitation. If you require a different platform please let me know via email.
Your session
We will get to know one another by chatting at the beginning, creating comfort and rapport. We will talk about what brought you to this session and what is going on for you at the present moment.
You will be seen, heard and comforted
You will be supported as you share your story and as we compassionately explore and find the root causes of what is bothering you.
It’s not about what is wrong with you, it is about what has happened to you.
We will decide on which issues we should focus on in the session. There is often multiple but we start with one.
We will do a combination of tapping, coaching, visualizations and affirmations.
For the tapping, I will guide you through several different energy meridians. Tapping from the collarbone to the crown of the head and repeating customized scripts based on our conversations.
The tapping and coaching process is very safe, gentle and non-judgemental.
I will ask you throughout your session to rate your level of emotion (on a scale of 1-10) attached to the issue we are working on.
I may start to see subtle changes in body posture and facial expressions signalling to me that your body and mind are releasing the negative emotion(s).
If we have time to address multiple issues within one session we will.
I will make recommendations for follow-up sessions if needed.
I will ensure that we end the session with you feeling lighter and grounded.
After your session
Immediately after the session you may feel tired. Allow your body time to rest, if it is required. You may also feel lighter and brighter after having released a heavy burden. You may feel a short- term sensation that something is missing; if you have been holding onto stress for quite some time it may have started to feel like a part of you. All responses are quite normal.
The emotional shifts may continue for a period of time after, and can be different for each individual.
I encourage you to take some quiet time, have a nap, go for a walk, have a bubble bath, journal, whatever may support you at the time. Take care of yourself by drinking plenty of water to keep well hydrated.
If anything arises that you have questions about, you can reach out to me via email.
At times during our work together I may send you an email to check in and see how you are doing.
If you are wanting to purchase packages for sessions or book subsequent sessions I can help you with those bookings and decisions.
All sessions are GUARANTEED. If you do not feel an emotional shift, your session will not be charged. There is absolutely no risk and endless possibilities for growth!