SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)

It's the end of October and the changing of the seasons where I live. The leaves are almost all gone from the trees and we are heading into winter. 

How do you feel at this time of year?

Are you a winter enthusiast or do you dread the long winter months?

Some people are affected quite profoundly by the lack of sunshine and shorter periods of daylight. You may have trouble sleeping, difficulty concentrating, experience carb cravings, over eat and  gain weight. You may lose interest in things you once enjoyed, and you may be over sleeping. You may withdraw socially, or feel like hibernating.

You may feel low energy, moody, sometimes even depressed. (If you are feeling extremely depressed please reach out to your health care provider.) 

Or contact the Crisis Services in Canada 1-833-456-4566. 

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline toll-free at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). 

If you struggle with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Light therapy (phototherapy) can be used to create more daylight in your days.

Less sunlight may result in lower levels of vitamin D. Make sure you are taking adequate amounts of vitamin D, because vitamin D boosts serotonin levels.

Talk to someone. You may be able to shift your perspective about the long dark months, or your ability to enjoy them.

But if you are feeling low for days, please reach out for help! 


Allowing yourself to FEEL what you are actually feeling


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