What is Emotional Abuse?
What can or does Emotional Abuse look like?
- There can be threats of physical harm
- You can be given the “Silent Treatment”
- The abuser may withhold affection & emotional support
- They may lie to you
- They may dismiss your opinions and ideas (you are not being heard)
- They may criticize constantly
- They may make fun of your appearance or ability
- There may be put-downs disguised as jokes
- There may be yelling
- They may humiliate you
- They may shift blame onto you
- They may always find fault with you
- They may lash out
- They may hurl insults
- They may shame you in public
- They may give you angry looks
- They may treat you with indifference
- They may be sarcastic
- They may pick fights
- They may call you unflattering nicknames
- They may isolate you from family & friends
- They may try to make you feel not good enough, worthless or inferior
- They may intentionally embarrass you
Very often emotional abuse underlies physical abuse, sexual abuse, bullying, dating violence, and/or family violence.
A person does not abuse you because they love you. The abuser usually has some hate of self or feeling of inadequacies within themselves. Abuse is not love.
If you have endured emotional abuse, does that emotional abuse still affect your life today?
If you have been a victim of emotional abuse or any abuse, please reach out for help to clear the emotional attachments to the trauma that you may have experienced.