Observe Your Emotions

There is a quote by  James Baldwin

“Not everything that is faced can be changed,

but nothing can be changed that is not faced.”

There are a lot of times in my life, where I haven’t wanted to face the hard truths, and there were alot of times that the hard truth was that I was not able to change anything about the situation even if I wanted to. 

One thing that I have learned is that nothing ever changes unless we are courageous enough to look within, to actually acknowledge our feelings and to gently explore what might be at the root of any dissatisfaction we may be feeling.

We may be able to influence, or make changes, in some respects. Some of it may be in our control, and some may not. If we never look though, we just keep going around and around the issue, not looking, feeling stressed and assuming that it will somehow just miraculously remedy itself. 

My self care tip is to observe your emotions, sit with your feelings and explore them. I encourage you to look. If you feel afraid to do this on your own, reach out, I am here to help.

It's kind of like cleaning your house, you really can’t clean your house unless you look for the dirt and see the dirt.


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