Numbing out/Avoiding Pain
When you are upset, do you have a “go to” that you use to numb out or avoid the pain of what is actually going on inside of you?
We as humans can have all kinds of distractions like excessive gambling, shopping, eating, drinking, smoking, working, sex and/or exercise, watching endless hours of TV just to name a few. We may indulge in these activities to excess just to avoid thinking or feeling our true feelings that may be causing us some pain.
Some people can’t stand to be alone, or for there to be silence, because they may have too many thoughts that they don’t want to think about. Maybe they are just bored or lonely, but bored and lonely have emotional roots attached as well.
The numbing behaviors may give temporary relief and pleasure, but they can also have negative consequences when returned to over and over again.
Sometimes we turn to these activities without consciously even knowing why we are doing them.
Try to be aware of your feelings, in each moment. If you can be aware or journal what you are feeling when the desire to do the activities arises, you just may have some insight into what may be at the root.
If you are struggling with any of these behaviors and would like to heal the trauma and the pain once and for all, so that you can be present in your life, so that you can regain your calm, clarity and confidence once again, so you can stop numbing out, book a session.