Did you know that venting can activate our fight or flight response?
Talking to your friends/venting
Have you got that friend or group of friends that you can tell anything, too?
You can vent about whatever is making you sad, angry, frustrated…and the list goes on.
Did you know that when you are telling them about your issue that the amygdala (the fight or flight response center) in your mind is being activated. You may become emotional, your vocal volume raises, your eyes may even well up with tears or you actually start crying.
If you really pay attention you will notice that sometimes your stomach feels a bit off, your body feels tense, you may notice a slight headache or even a shortness of breath.
We can sometimes think that we feel better about an issue when we talk about it with friends, however, wouldn’t it be nice to be able to talk about the things that have caused us fear, pain, anger, or frustration without the tears, anger, or frustration welling up again and, without the physical stress in our bodies?
Emotional Wellness and Tapping enables us to let go of the emotional attachments so that we are able to recall traumatic events and experiences (the memories are still there) and not have the painful emotional and physical responses? It is possible.
Imagine that you have been in a car accident or had some other traumatic or upsetting thing happen in your life. We as humans can cause the same stressful responses in our minds and bodies by just thinking about the event or experience, that is how powerful our minds are. If you are ready to leave your trauma baggage in the past.
When we can release the emotional attachments, the upsetting experiences and events are no longer top of mind. Maybe, we won’t even feel like talking about it anymore.At the very least we will be able to talk about it without the stress and emotions.
Book your session now.