Have you tried Tapping on your own?
When we are focusing on something that may be emotionally painful for us, or something that may trigger fear, it is often hard to do it on your own.
We as human beings naturally want to move away from our pain so when trying to tap on our own, we may:
forget the tapping points
just quit in the middle of it
avoid actually doing the tapping
get stuck on the right words to say
By having a practitioner to guide you along, we can stay on track , find root causes easier, and peel away layers faster to release the emotions that are dragging you down.
Your success rate will increase dramatically!!
I have found Tapping to be one of the most powerful tools in my Emotional Wellness toolbox, for my business and my personal life.
So, if you have tried Tapping and felt discouraged, I encourage you to try again. You can book a session here, you just might be pleasantly surprised.
- Marnel