Squash the Hurt from Judgement
I'm sure we have all been in a situation where someone makes an unsupportive, negative comment about our appearance, our body structure, the way we act, our intelligence, our athletic capabilities, and the list could go on, and on and on.....
Sometimes, when these comments are made they hurt and we take them to heart. We internalize those comments and create beliefs about our selves, based on someone else's opinion or judgement of us.
Sometimes, we create our own non-serving labels that we apply to ourselves, because of events and experiences of our lives. For example if we failed at something, we may then refer to ourselves as a failure. The truth actually is that we may have failed at one thing, however that in no way makes us a failure for our entire lives.
We store all these beliefs about ourselves, consciously and unconsciously. Those beliefs that we have created, and presently store, are often reflected in the behaviours we exhibit in life.
With Emotional Wellness, Coaching and Tapping we can get to the root of the emotional attachments to these non-serving beliefs and labels, and gently release them. We can then forgive all persons, including ourselves, for any part that was played in the creation of these non-serving labels that they/we may have attached to our being.
I would love to be your guide to release any hurt or resentment. You can book a session here.
- Marnel