8 Ways to Re-imagine Moving Your Body
Do you have the desire to exercise but aren’t doing it? What do you automatically think of when you think of exercise?
There can be many thoughts that get in the way of moving our body for health. Maybe you had a traumatic experience with exercise, a gym class where you were ridiculed, picked last for teams, maybe an injury that you are afraid will reoccur, so you avoid exercise altogether.
Then come the excuses our brain develops…
It's too hard.
I don’t have the time.
I’m embarrassed to join a class or the gym because I’m so out of shape.
I would let my team down, because I can’t play well enough.
What will others think if I am strong and healthy?
What if you found movement that is fun and joyful?
Moving your body doesn’t have to be boring and dull and just plain hard work, it can be fun. Try different things, to see what you might enjoy:
Put on some great tunes and dance around your kitchen. Try it even while doing dishes, or cooking, it just might also make those tasks more fun at the same time!
Instead of playing a full soccer game or joining a team, you could play pass with a friend/friends or against a wall or just simply practice your dribbling skills.
Pick out a super pretty, fun-coloured bike, get a basket for it, pretend you live in Italy (maybe you already do) and pick up a few items from the market or use it as your main mode of transportation whenever you can.
Skip, play tag, hopscotch or a game on a trampoline with your kids or grandkids.
Pair boring routine activities with some goofy movement. For example: Do gorilla movements or squats while brushing your teeth.
Do lunges, planks or squats at commercial breaks while watching t.v. or between episodes.
Do some simple stretches every day.
Do random jumping jacks throughout your day, your nervous system will also thank you!
While out for a walk, just randomly sprint, run up a small hill, walk backwards for a ways, skip.
Go on scavenger hunts, a great way to explore and get some exercise.
Use your imagination as to how you can stretch your body and move to increase your heart rate all while having fun, almost forgetting that it’s even exercise! In fact, you know it’s the right kind when you actually DO forget and are thoroughly enjoying yourself.
It's hard to move around in a body that is stiff and out of shape, and it may be hard to start some sort of movement program, but it only takes one person to change your life - YOU!
You get to choose and movement CAN be fun!
You have the ability to work through all of the beliefs, the reasons why not and the excuses!
I am making some of these changes myself and I would love to help you.
So if you are ready I would be happy to help guide you through any of your limiting beliefs, during an Emotional Wellness Session. Tapping can create new perspectives and beliefs to get you to truly love and move your body.