Running on empty, completely depleted?
Too many of us put on false fronts of holding it all together and pretend that we are doing well.
In reality we are struggling with everything that has been piled on our plates. We need sleep for our bodies to recharge, to heal, but we give up sleep to get it all done.
When is the last time that you took a moment to consider your own well being? We cannot serve from an empty vessel, so it is crucial that we take time for our own mental and physical health.
We get to make choices for us and our families for the greater good and sometimes just slowing down to take a look at what we are currently doing can lead to a different perspective.
Explore compassionately who or what you are trying to measure up to. Are there expectations from others or our communities that we feel we need to attain? Do you do things out of fear of being judged by others, if you didn’t do them? Do you have trouble saying no?
Some of us carry old beliefs about what we, as women, should be able to accomplish. We sometimes forget that it is important for us to thrive, not just survive.
I encourage you to take time to be more present to make adjustments to commitments and schedules so that they support everyone's well-being, including your own.
Resting and looking after your own wellness is NOT A WASTE OF TIME!
Try making lists:
What actually needs to be done?
What can wait or is not necessary at all?
Can we ask for help in any area?
Reassess what you think your “should do’s” are, and what your “must do’s” are.
If you need some help prioritizing yourself and your needs, let me know. I would love to help you out!