Are you a people pleaser?

People pleasing is about trying to remain loved and accepted in your tribe, your group or your family and to avoid rejection at all costs. 

As children we are vulnerable, we need to be protected, fed and sheltered. We adopt these behaviours for our survival and these behaviours then become engrained. Unless we are aware of the roots of our people pleasing behaviours, we carry these systemic fears and doubts deep within our subconscious minds, well into our adulthood. We keep people pleasing, to fit in, to be accepted and loved, to not be rejected.

I was a perpetual people pleaser, which I believe came from my trying to not ‘rock the boat’ at home and from being bullied at school. The fear of being rejected always drove me. If I could just do a little better and be a little better everything would be alright. I was always striving to be loved and accepted. 

With Emotional Wellness and Tapping we can let go of the fear of not being accepted or worse rejected. We are no longer that young child fearing for our safety and survival. As adults, we can learn to love and respect ourselves. When we are no longer seeing things from a child perspective we can also see that the others in our lives are responsible for their own happiness and we are responsible for our own.

If you would like to shed the people pleasing by addressing your fear of being rejected, book a session. I would love to help.


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