Your Pain and Your Healing Matters

Your pain matters, your experiences matter, and your healing matters. Some of us discount our traumas, telling ourselves:

  • Others have suffered worse than me.

  • Someone else who experienced this same thing, isn’t as debilitated as I am.

  • Maybe it could or should have been avoided.

  • It happened a long time ago, so it shouldn’t matter anymore.

  • I have never told anyone before.

  • Others may think I am just attention seeking.

It isn’t self serving or attention seeking to ask for help. It is a form of self care, and you are allowed to care for yourself. Each of us reacts to or handles trauma, in our own unique ways. 

Your trauma is real and valid to you and you are allowed to seek help and unload some of your pain. It is my opinion that if we continue to stuff down all of the emotions attached to trauma and hold onto those stresses, that eventually they will show up as physical ailments. 

Take Care of You!  You are Worth it!


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