Stop, Tap, Look, Choose.
When you are in a situation or having an experience and you are feeling like you are about to react in a verbal or physical way out of anger, sadness, fear or some other emotional response I encourage you to try the following steps:
STOP, take a few deep breaths, try to be aware of your surroundings, and the people you are with. You may even have to walk away for a bit. Take a time out.
Try Tapping with three finger tips, (not nails) on the (karate chop) side of the hand, continue to tap until you feel your emotional stress subside. We cannot make logical decisions or react from a rational space if we are still physically and mentally in the fight or flight response, after being triggered.
Now take a moment to LOOK at the situation. Is what is happening right now a trigger for you, has it happened before? Are you reacting to this current situation or experience, or are you reacting, because of something that may have happened in the past that is similar?
Now that you have taken a moment to breathe, calm yourself with some tapping and assess the situation, you now get to CHOOSE how you are going to act or react. If you react with anger, sadness, or fear, you are giving the trigger all the power. If you can calm yourself, and react from a place of clarity and confidence, you have the power.
It takes a lot of self awareness, to be able to be calm, and clear minded when we are being triggered. And if this trigger happens over and over again, it may be time to clear the emotional attachments you may have to that trigger (present or past). Once those emotional attachments are cleared, you will no longer have the same emotional responses to those same triggers.
Try it out.
Stop. Tap. Look. Choose.
In any situation you get to choose your reaction. Be sure to choose wisely! If you want to explore these triggers or your emotional response reach out anytime.