Online Sessions

How do online sessions work with Tapping?

We arrange a day and a time. We connect over zoom (I will send you a meeting request). I lead you through all the points that you need to tap on. The Tapping points that I use are from the top of the head to the collar bone, so this makes it very easy to follow along. The scripting that I use (what I say and get you to repeat), is partly intuition, partly my training and for the most part it comes from what you have provided to me in our conversations. 

(We get to really hone in on what you individually would like to resolve).That is why it is so beneficial to have one on one sessions with a practitioner.

The convenience of getting to do a session from wherever you are, is just an added bonus. 

And the Guarantee that if you do not feel better about whatever issue we have worked on in your session by the end of the session, that you do not pay, makes it a no risk, opportunity.


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