Medical Procedure Stress & Fear

Sometimes people get themselves very worked up prior to their medical appointments and procedures. I have had several clients that actually had trouble sleeping for days because they were so stressed leading up to their appointments. This was the case with one client who came to me so worried about a scheduled procedure that she hadn’t slept for a number of days.  We worked together on her fears and by the end of the session her fears were gone, she was so relaxed and felt ready to go to her appointment; so ready, that she stated “I want to go right now”. 

It is my belief that if our bodies and minds are not filled with stress and fear, prior to our tests, our treatments, or surgeries, that our outcomes could be that much better. Especially after surgeries, if our bodies are calm and stress-free going into it, it is only natural that the healing will begin sooner and we will heal faster than if we are stressed. 

Ask yourself why you are feeling so fearful, or stressed.

Is it because of some stories that you have heard?

Is it about something that may have happened to you in the past?

Is it because of something that you may have seen on google, social media or TV?

Are you feeling that, the tests are serious in nature therefore you SHOULD or NEED to be stressed?

We can release the emotional attachments to your fear, and stress. If we actually don’t know what the outcome will be, we might as well tell ourselves the best case scenario story rather than all of the worst-case scenario stories. A positive mindset, free from fear and stress, can make the whole experience go a lot better.

Allow me to guide you to a more relaxed experience.


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