Just Joking

A lot of families, and friends say mean, derogatory things to each other and then say, “just joking”.

This is learned behavior and is not always easy to adjust. I saw it for generations in my own extended family, with my in-laws and with friends and still see it from time to time.

In fact, on a rare occasion, I even catch myself, still doing it. (Because I too am human and work on my programming every day).

Sometimes, the person receiving those hurtful comments may not take it as a joke and they may internalize it. It might just get stuck in their subconscious as a limiting belief, about themselves, or it may cause them emotional pain.  

I encourage people to speak only true statements and if you feel like you have to follow it with “just joking”; you may choose to refrain from saying it at all. 

What if we could be kind and supportive, and chose to share the positive things that we see in others rather than focus on making any negative comments? 

Choose to treat others as we would like others to treat us. 

If you have felt hurt by people’s “just joking” remarks, remember that we can release the emotional attachments with Emotional Wellness and Tapping. https://inciteinspirations.com/book


The Absorption Factor


Sexual assault/abuse and associated trauma