Healing Books I Recommend
If you want to do some reading in regards to how we hold onto emotional distress after trauma, and how our physical ailments may be a reflection of our emotional state, here are some books I recommend:
You Can Heal Your Life - Author; Louise Hay (I will often use this book as a reference, with clients and it is almost always right.)
The Body Keeps Score - Author; Bessel VanDer Kolk MD
A Mind of Your Own - Author; Kelly Brogan MD
I Thought it was Just Me - Author; Brene Brown
The Power of Vulnerability - Author; Brene Brown
When the Body Says No - The Cost of Hidden Stress - Author; Gabor Mate
These are just a few suggestions. If you want more personal recommendations on certain topics, I would be happy to discuss or help in any way that I can. If you have any ah ha moments while reading these books and would like to have a closer look at what might be going on for you, please book a session.