The definition: the feeling of being upset or annoyed, especially because of an inability to change or achieve something.
Frustration comes from feeling uncertain and insecure, our feelings of somehow being unable to fulfill our needs. We may become frustrated when there seems to be an impasse with no resolution between two people, management and employees or various other scenarios.
When do you find yourself feeling frustrated?
Are you frustrated with someone, or something that's not going as well as you would like it to?
Are you feeling frustrated with life?
Are you frustrated with yourself?
Does your frustration leave you feeling discouraged, hopeless and helpless?
When you are feeling frustrated, I encourage you to calm down as much as possible.
Go for a walk to clear your mind.
Come back to your problem later on.
Journal about the frustration, and options that you can see that may work.
Let go of the things that are beyond your control.
Make a decision about how you might influence this frustration realistically, while being respectful to all parties involved. Act on your decision in a kind, loving and graceful way.
If you are struggling with frustration, Emotional Wellness and Tapping can help. Book Now!