25 Common Emotional Traumas
Been in a motorized vehicle accident
Been abused, sexually, physically, mentally, emotionally, verbally
Been bullied, or threatened
Been through a breakup of a relationship
Been fired from a job
Been laid off
Declared Bankruptcy
Lost something or someone you treasured
Had addiction problems
Failed at something
Were ridiculed or shamed
Were afraid for your life
Witnessed events that frightened, shocked or disappointed you
Had serious illness or injury
Been abandoned or neglected
Experienced a natural disaster
Had times when you had no control and felt helpless and hopeless
Had traumatic birth experiences or medical treatments
Been talked down to or talked negatively to yourself
Felt stuck
Been irritable, edgy, or anxious
Felt depressed
Felt fearful
Struggled with concentration
Had trouble with sleep
Unless we have lived our lives in a bubble most of us will have experienced some form of trauma in our lifetimes, and some may be experiencing the after-effects of trauma in their present day lives. Trauma is an emotional response to a negative event and these emotional reactions can be very different for everyone. For example, no two people at the scene of an accident will respond to the accident in the same way or cope with the emotions from the accident in the same way. In some cases, the effects felt from trauma may interfere with a person’s ability to carry on with normal life activities, or to cope with life in general. It is possible to have been traumatized, even if you only witnessed something traumatic; children are very vulnerable to this.
I work with a lot of clients that were traumatized as children, and this trauma is now showing up in their adult lives. Trauma can show up days, months or even years after the actual event. Sometimes it shows up because something in the present day has reminded us of this past experience that has been buried in our subconscious mind. It is important to address the emotions that are attached to traumatic events, be they new or old. We can’t keep piling the stuffed down emotions on top of each other, expecting them to go away. When we have experienced one too many traumas and there is no room for more is when we start to shut down, and physical symptoms may appear. Very often, we are not even fully aware of how these traumas may be affecting our lives until we explore connections between our experiences and what is happening in our lives today.
My work, as an Emotional Wellness Specialist for Women, is all about letting the emotions from traumatic events and experiences go so that we have a clean slate, a new perspective for the rest of our lives. I have found the combination of coaching, tapping, visualizations, and affirmations to be very effective in letting go of the emotional attachment to trauma.
I would love to help you resolve any trauma you may have experienced. You can book a session with me here.
- Marnel