Write Your Own Story

I didn’t grow up having the best role models. I grew up having people in my life that I did not want to be like, and life experiences that I did not want to repeat, in my life or my family's life. Not all of us are dealt the greatest of cards, but that doesn’t mean you can’t reshuffle your deck for a better outcome in your future. 

Your past does not have to define you.

You get to define who you are, you get to write your own story. You have the power to learn, to grow and to heal.

What could your life look like, what would your story be if emotional attachment to childhood trauma, to school trauma, to past trauma, could be released?


  • your parents

  • your siblings

  • the people that you have slept with in the past

  • your past relationships

  • your old friendships

  • your failures

  • your poor choices

You can go through life feeling like a victim of your past, beating yourself up, OR you can choose to learn, to grow, to let go. 

What would your future look like if you left all that non-serving emotional baggage behind?

It is possible. You can be the author of your new story.

The lightness, the clarity, the freedom, the hope, the joy and the peace is literally at your fingertips. Contact me to set up your Emotional Wellness Discovery Session today!


Standards for Respect


Be Aware of Your Expectations