Tips and Tricks if you suffer from anxiousness.

Below is a list of things that you may wish to take a look at adjusting in your life so that anxiety may be eased.

-Reduce Caffeine (Tea, Coffee, Choc) intake

-Create some movement in your day (if you are sedentary, just move more)

-Sleep (aim for at least 7 hours per night)

-Cut back on alcohol consumption

-Stop skipping meals

-Decrease sugar intake

-Clean up clutter (Messy Spaces can increase anxiousness)

-Learn to say No 

-Limit or cut exposure to negative people

-Drink more water (at least enough to stay hydrated)

-Get some fresh air (spend some time outside)

-Avoid spending too much time on social media sites or watching the news.

Create spaces of time in your day to just sit and reflect, and most importantly breathe.

And last.. but for sure not least….TAP.


Tips and Tricks if you suffer from anxiousness.


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