Mental Health issues for some people are sometimes invisible to others.
Some people hide their emotional distress very well.
People may -
-have internal anxiety, but yet appear confident around others.
-be in a relationship and yet feel completely alone.
-be feeling depressed, but are still making jokes, and presenting a happy face.
-be thin and healthy yet be really hard on themselves in front of the mirror.
-be very generous with and to others, yet feel worthless themselves.
-be feeling suicidal, yet be showing up as fine.
-be beautiful, and have a model like body, but be self-conscious of their physical apperance.
-be very successful, but suffer from imposter syndrome.
-be having panic attacks, and show up to perform, minutes later.
-be a great parent, but still be suffering from self-doubt.
-be a great athlete or student, but still question their abilities.
Please be kind, you never know what is going on behind someone else’s smile or the brave front that they are showing you, and the world.
If you are recognizing yourself in any of the above, please reach out for help.
** partially paraphrased from an excerpt from the @realdepressionproject